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所属科目: 动物界 » 脊索动物门 » 两栖纲;Amphibian » 滑体亚纲 » 无尾目 » 锄足蟾科 »

学名:Oreolalax major
Diagnosis A distinct species of Sxutiger with very wide black crossbars on the limbs; weds well developed with wide fringes extending to thebases of the light coloued dilated tips og the toes; tongue broad, free behindand deeplu nicked a pairofodliquel y elongated patches of closely packed fineblack spines on the chest;similar but slightly stronger small dlack spines packed on the inner dorsal sides of the basal parts of the first and the second fingers These characters aie differenc from rhoseof Scutige r popei ,although theirgeneral appearence,especially the wa rty back, is similar to each other. Description of the type No vomerine teeth;tongue elliptical, free behindand distinctly notched; head slightly broader than longl snout rounded andprojected slightlv bevond the mouth;canthus rostralis distinct, loreal regionodlique and concave;nostril adou t midway between the tip of the snout andthe anterior of the eve ;interorbital space slightly broader than theinternasal space an dmuch wider than the width of the upper eyelid; thelehgth of the eye nearly equal to the width of the internasalspace;tympahum hidden; a cery steong glandular fold from eve to shoulder. Arm rather long and strong, the lower arm including the hand being 58.5% of the body length; fingers long with whitidh rounde dtips, thefirst and fingers about equal in length, the fourth finger muchlonger than the first and the second dut slightly shorter th an the third;sub-srticular tubercles indistinct; twolarge palmer tubercles, the inner one larger than the outer one. Hind limb moderately long and strong,tibiotarsal articulation reaching the eve, heels slightly overlapping when placed at right angles to the body; the length of th tibia about half of the body length, the width of tibia abiut 1/4 of its length; toes with whitish ro unded tips; the secind toes abiut 2/3 webbed; the third and the fifth toes abiut half webbed and the fourth toe about 1/3 webbed; all toes with wide fringesl subarticular tubercles indicated; with an elliptical inner metatarsal tubercle, outer metatarsal tubercle wanting. Skin verv rough with many roundish warts on the back and small ones on the head,upper eyelids and dorsal side of the limbs, some warts provided with small black spines; a strong short glandular fold from posterior of the eye running obliquely to the sh oulder; ventral side smooth except two patches of fine spines on chest. The dotdum of the living specimen deing olive brown many black spots on and around the warts; a black band running along lateral side of the body being olive yellow with a few black spots; when the limbs are folded the exposed parts appearing light ol ive brown and the concealed pares including those of the fingers and toes being olive yellow; veryconspicuous black bars on th e limbs, three wide bars on the lower arm and tree on the thigh; ventral sidegreatly marbled with dark brown especially on the t hroat and the limbs; pupil black, vertically oval or slit-like according to the intensity of light; iris dark brown stippled with bluish gold. Male specimen with two obliquely wlongated patches of closely packed fine biack spines on the chest, similsr but somewhat stronger black spines on the inner dorsal sides of the first and the second fingers; no vocal sac; arm stronger and leg longer in the female. Besides the male type, a female (No.570953)was also collected, both specimens have similar external characters excondary sex characters.On May 2nd 1957, they paired after being brought back to the laboratory at Chengtu and at 3 p. m.May 9th, eggs were laid under pieces of tiles which were placed in the aquarium. Eggs are large, with jelly layer their measurement being 4.5 mm,naked egg 3.8mm in diameter and creamy white in colour. Another female specimen (No.570954) was collected from the same locality on April 28th 1957. This specimen is different fro m the other two specimens by its extraordinarilv large eye; more flattened hesd and body;shorter arms; much less developed w eb and more mardled belly. More field study and material are needed for further discussion.